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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

For all vets

To all veterans of every war, thanks and welcome home.

Just found this letter I sent to a soldier a few years ago who wrote me he was feeling worthless, cutting himself and questioning why he was alive. We are still friends. This is what would like to say to all vets:
I hear your pain. I wish I could help.
I wish you had never had to go through the things you went through.
I wish you were healed, and you can be.
You are doing the right things, asking for help and writing about what you feel, but healing takes time and it is painful. I'm sure you realize this from the pain when your cuts heal.
Pain is a sign of healing.
Pain is also a sign that you are a good man, no matter what you did, didn't do, or saw, because if you were not innately good, it would not bother you.
Writing is a good way to get this stuff out of your head onto the page.
Please write me and tell me what happened to trigger this.
Please think about what the cutting is doing for you, and how you could meet that need in another way.
Please have compassion for yourself. You have been through a hell you did not create, nor did you deserve it, and coming out on the other side is a slow process. You've taken the first step-looking for help, but it is a process, and progress not perfection is a good motto.
I'm sure you'd rather be fixed in two days...I know I would,
Instantaneous gratification is too slow!
Take care of that wounded soldier within you. He needs you

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